Environment / Ecology

We bear great responsibility for the next generations.
Moulded fibre products make recycling easy. Moulded pulp parts are made of sustainable raw materials whose positive eco-balance is recognised again today.
The strength of moulded pulp products is revealed during disposal. The moulded pulp mouldings based on recycled material are made into raw materials again from waste – and back into environmentally friendly packaging from these raw materials. Consequently, we do not see the moulded parts as part of the packaging problem, but as part of the solution.
There are valuable raw materials in our ecological and environmentally friendly packaging, which should not end up in incinerators or on landfills without being used. The production waste of the Goerner Group is incorporated again in industrial production processes. The resulting packaging is not simply recycled, but upcycled. Upcycling means: New, higher-quality ecological packaging is produced from disposed of packaging products.
Clear economical advantages for our customers: Cost savings and new marketing possibilities due to ecological packaging.
Clear ecological advantages: Reduction in the amount of waste, scarce raw materials are preserved.
Clear social advantages: A sustainable company creates social values.
Future challenges lie in the development of ecological packaging made from alternative raw materials and biodegradable coatings.
Fibre material is primarily manufactured on the basis of wood as a sustainable raw material. From this, moulded fibre products are produced.
The focus of our development department is on coatings and their application purposes as well as on various coating procedures based on other sustainable raw materials that are not used as foodstuffs or animal feed.